rediscover Patient Ambassador

Henry D:
Life After Disc Replacement Surgery

A year ago, before the operation, I couldn’t have considered this dream of racing professionally... whereas now I can race all day, get out, go to the gym and then do it all over again the next day.

Henry D

Race Car Driver & Former Figure Skater

Age: 23

From: Florida

Surgery Date: December 29, 2022

Procedure Type: Total Disc Replacement with prodisc L

Interests: Auto Racing, Figure Skating, Working Out

Life Before prodisc:

At an early age, Henry realized that he had a very competitive, driven spirit, and he wanted to be a race car driver. As he hit adolescence, however, the financial impracticality of a racing career caused his interests to shift towards a new ambitious target: becoming an Olympic figure
skater. To do so, he developed a comprehensive plan and set out to fulfill his aspirations—but at only age 14, the dream ended abruptly when Henry injured his back while lifting his partner over his head on the ice. 

Over the course of 6 weeks, with x-rays and MRI imaging, Henry’s doctors were able to determine that he had herniated his L4-L5 and L5-S1 discs in his lower back. Unfortunately, at such a young age, his doctors thought it would be best for him to avoid surgery—and that physical therapy, rest, and other non-surgical treatments could put him on a road to recovery and increase the possibility of returning to skating within 2 years.

“I was on a strict plan and goal (toward the Olympics)... so when these hopes disappeared in an instant, it was pretty devastating. So much of my life was committed to this one goal, and suddenly it’s just ripped out from under me.”

Over the next 9 years, Henry’s days were filled with spikes of pain and long recovery periods of diminished discomfort. This pain management ‘roller coaster’ forced him to repeatedly limit his horizon of allowable activities, as painful episodes came with each new activity. In fact, Henry ended up spending nearly half of his young life dealing with his back pain. 

Fortunately, that earliest dream of becoming a race car driver, continued to push him forward—and consequently, provided an opportunity to speak with a race car driver who had resolved his own spine issues in order to continue to pursue racing: spine surgeon Dr. Robert Masson.

Dr. Masson talked to Henry about the disc replacement surgery that had enabled him to race. Over the course of the discussion, Henry asked Dr. Masson some important questions about this procedure, such as “What was life like after having disc replacement surgery?” and “How had the procedure enabled him to return to racing?” Though Henry had previously been told that a spinal fusion was a procedure that could help with his condition, he also came to understand that a fusion, given his age, may potentially result in future spine surgeries as the disease progressed to adjacent levels of the spine.

Importantly, Henry recalled Dr. Masson noting, “If [you] could have this procedure as an alternative to fusion, then [you] wouldn’t have to lose range of motion.” Intrigued, Henry responded, “This could be a really exciting option for me.”

Ultimately, Dr. Masson referred Henry to a spine surgeon in Texas for the procedure. While flying from Florida to Texas would be very uncomfortable, Henry realized that this procedure could enable him to become a race car driver in the future. After an examination and lengthy discussion with the spine surgeon in Texas, Henry knew it was time to go forward with the procedure.


Life After prodisc:

Henry had his single-level lumbar disc replacement performed in late 2022 at a hospital in Texas. The surgery went well, and he was on his feet and walking the day of the operation. Away from home, Henry left the hospital a day later to recover at a nearby hotel—staying for 4 days so that he could be nearby for his first post-operative appointment.

He then began the more extended process of recuperation, rebuilding strength, mobility, and confidence as he healed. Within the first three weeks, Henry’s post-operative incision pain diminished, allowing him to better determine how much spine pain remained. Then, each subsequent month his pain gradually decreased—and by 3 months, he had his first ‘pain-free realization’.

“Before the operation, I couldn’t have considered this dream of racing professionally... whereas now I can race all day, get out, go to the gym, and then do it all over again the next day.”

Working extensively with physical therapists to rebuild his core and balance, he slowly moved to stretches and bends in order to extend his spine’s capabilities. For Henry, this was a big departure from what he had done for 9 years, as he previously took extreme caution when using his lower back so as to not cause a flare up. Re-wiring his brain to accept that he could now do things—such as bending, twisting, and even running— was one of the bigger challenges he faced post-operatively.

The biggest impact, however, has been the ability to pursue his career as a race car driver. “Before the operation, I couldn’t have considered this dream of racing professionally... whereas now I can race all day, get out, go to the gym, and then do it all over again the next day,” Henry reflects.

Nine months after the procedure, Henry is able to challenge himself, grab every opportunity, and rediscover life withoutpain. He couldn’t be happier with the opportunities ahead of him. “When you learn you can’t do things, you sort of accept that and live in that limited view of life.” He believes this disc replacement procedure has opened up many possibilities for his future life and especially liked the way that his spine surgeon characterized and set expectations for his future:

“This isn’t a cure-all. Pick 10 activities—5 of them you will likely be able to do pain-free or with less pain than pre-op.”

For Henry, this means he has been able to continue racing and the chance to get back onto the podium. He’s still waiting to find the limits on what he can do.

Important Note: The patient information presented is for general education purposes only. As with any spine surgery, there are potential benefits, complications, and risks associated with disc replacement and spinal fusion procedures. Individual results may vary. It is important that you discuss the possible risks and potential benefits of various procedures with your doctor prior to receiving treatment, and that you rely on your physician’s best judgment. Only your doctor can determine whether you are a suitable candidate for a specific surgical procedure.

They Regained Their Lives

These individuals can inspire your journey to healing and life after disc replacement surgery—and the hope of freedom from spine-induced pain and discomfort.

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